Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Grandparents are only parents & can make mistakes

I am in placement right now and my daughter was with my grandparents. When they could not take care of her for a while, she was taken from them. Now I have to decide weather or not I want to parent her. I want my grandparents to have another chance. My right as a mom is to have an improvement period before my rights are terminated. So why can’t they give this right to my grandparents, so they can have another chance to parent my daughter. I was researching to see if there was a law that covers grandparents’ rights to parent their grandchildren’s children. If any one knows, any more about that please let me know.
I found my resources at http://www.thenationalcrittentonfoundation.org/pdf/West%20Virginia.pdf

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

WHAT IN THE WORLD! She can't babysit?

I read this article about a woman who was babysitting her neighbors’ kids. I believe that this woman is being a responsible citizen and neighbor. The state wants her to stop, but I think that she should be allowed to baby sit because she is not providing daycare. She is just watching their kids for an hour until the bus comes to take them to school. As she is watching the kids, she is not only being helpful but also she is servicing her community.

However, I do understand why they have this law. It is to protect the day care provider, the parent, and the child, who might be hurt or abused by the daycare provider. Some elected officials realized the importance of this law, but also realized that some “people who aren’t in business as daycare providers don’t need to be licensed.” What bothers me is that the state sent the letter without investigating to see what was happening. I do not like it when people assume things without knowing the facts. So, am I the only one who feels this way?